Saturday, June 21, 2008 Hey all! LoL so long nvr post liaoz i tink da last time i posted was 2006? i forgot da username & pass marh i can't believe tat we hav 715 posts liao! (including tis one) Gd luk in da PSLE! wenglaoshi y nvr cm tis blog liaoz isit? no offense
Wednesday, June 18, 2008 BECUZ we all talk though the cbox now it is NOT dead blog. see 6a'07 blog, they all talk though cbox ma, and now since almost the majority of us have our own blogs, its kinda ma fan to change user.
i noe im juz talking not doing but THIS IS A CHINESE BLOG. CAN WE START SPEAKING IN CHINESE ?
hahas, p4 so childish, got see wad we post not? hahas
by: mouse raider xD minru
If you see the posts during year 2006 and compare it with the present 4awenglaoshi...
Do you think this is a Dead Blog?
Seriously I think it is...If this is not a dead blog then 4a pupils what are you waiting for???Why havent you blog for such a long time?