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this is US
4a` o6
A bunch of monkeys. xP
We just love to have fun.



February 2006 // March 2006 // April 2006 // May 2006 // June 2006 // July 2006 // August 2006 // September 2006 // October 2006 // November 2006 // December 2006 // January 2007 // February 2007 // March 2007 // April 2007 // May 2007 // June 2007 // July 2007 // August 2007 // September 2007 // November 2007 // December 2007 // January 2008 // February 2008 // March 2008 // June 2008 // July 2008 // August 2008 // September 2008 // October 2008 // November 2008 // January 2009 // February 2009 // July 2009 // September 2012 //
Saturday, June 30, 2007

Any1 lyk dis pic???


Wednesday, June 27, 2007
hihi. I'm sick and tired too that's why I said to stop quarrelling.
Anyway, if i really did be toooo proud or something, sorry. I also don't
feel like you know, quarrelling for no particularly good reason. And
I'm happy we can be friends again. *sighs then takes out hw* I hate hw!
totally... I miss wenglaoshi so much!(and her pretty face) sorry for quarrelling wenglaoshi.
sometimes I feel suddenly sad or angry. And poor NJS will get most of my scolding lor..
everytime when I got headache he will come and pester me and talk and talk and talk and talk AND talk. Actually, he is quite kind. (If you take the time to understand and communicate with him better)He's just a bit bossy. I really hope he can change for the better lor. If not he will not have much friends. yeah yeah I sound like his wife but I don't care what others say.
Every child has the right to speak up. Yeah. I know. Now I sound like a teacher or a counseller talking about childrens' rights.=) Sometimes he can be A REAL PAIN IN THE NECK. His jokes are a bit toooooo lame and outdated, but he is trying to get along with us so please, put yourself in his own shoes and think about how it would feel to have such so called"friends" teasing you everyday. Say you are "pinkirealla", "suckling pig", "a pig in an old farm", etc. and also stained your bad with paint. Plus, they use vulgarities against you. How would you feel?
Ya. I know. Sometimes see him bu shuang, like sissy or gay like tt. Hold water bottle hold until like that. Angry put his hands on is waist. He looks strong on the outside but actually is so fragile in the inside. Like most pupils in class. well... really gotta do hw le=) byebye


Sunday, June 24, 2007
the chatter box is not there, the only post i can see is chermain's something something teach will replace u, argh is it the same wif your computer or is it just mine?? btw u dun lyk the template so search urself plz, n find 1 u all agree on, btw....-.- i really really dun lyk poka dots. u can search urself on www.blogskins.com kk? now u can go under skins of the day,(quite nice^^) or u can search urself under ..wawdeva u wan.n giv me the link(post it on blog).ah school tomorrow, hw 1 not done!!!ok BYE!


Anybody like this photo??? Then post ur comments. N cherie,Yijia,Charmaine,no use fighting. U guys should sort it out in a calmer way!!! Its only a small matter,why make a big fuss out of it??? N someore,it forces us,ur frens,2 side wif only 1 side,like me n karis! Cant u guys cut it out??? I'm so sick of it!!!



Saturday, June 23, 2007
long time no post le... ** *** don't deserve to even be **'s 10*****h choice!
serious. what makes her think her singing is so great? I can sing better than her. And we all receive more praise then her anyway. Everyone has the right to try out for the lead singers! And, she got like, really really really proud after being one of the lead singers. What makes her think she's so special? I have to admit it definately will be a bit stressful, cause you will be the only one singing and the whole audience will be staring at you. and of course, you wanna make a gd impression. The teacher choose so... so ... like whatever lor.She's only lucky coz her mouth is near one of the microphones. If it's someone else, (who sings sweetly) confirm can replace her one lor. And, you all no nid to be so worked up about setsuna right? most of us have nicknames. And if tt setsuna person can post posts, then she must be a member of 4a 2006! =.="and if the boys dun like, they can always ask her to change! or do it themselves only if they have wenglaoshi's permission.yi jia, dun nid to get so worked up! If get angry too often ur face will look old de. ( my aunt and family say de) And get crow feet or something... aiya, dun curse you la.. touch wood touch wood! And by the way, in case you misunderstand that min ru posted this post, I am Charmaine. Scold me, mock me, but I will won't care. And if you wanna get revenge, pls, get a life.(I said if) Hope we can settle this matter and still be friends. No need to be very gd friends. Superficial friends.

So totally hope we can patch up,
Charmaine a.k.a Maine


Friday, June 22, 2007
other than LKH, cherie , clarissa n me , there is someone else u need to ask.
someone VERY important. wanna guess? hope ur smart enough.



Thursday, June 21, 2007
hello,if setsuna not from 4a,how would she noe how to post???plz loosen up la......
kah hoe


What the freaking hell u doing here! You Suck How the hell u get in and how the freaking hell u post and you freaking hell scram!!!!



Wednesday, June 20, 2007
setsuna, who ever u are do NOT change anything! bsides, there are boys in this blog too u noe!
so , if u are not from 4a 2006 zhonghua primary, SCRAM!!!!!



setsuna,i dun noe who are u and dun change ANYTHING on the blog!!!
You better dun change ANYTHIN on the blog or else...
and how did u noe the username and password??????
If u are not part of 2006 Zhonghua Pri 4A,U BETTER DUN RITE ANYTHING HERE!!



Tuesday, June 19, 2007

hey i can help u change ur template if u want?? well how bout this?
i have others too though
it looks really nice though. hmm..
to let u see how it really looks juz click on this link below ^^ http://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=59536&action=preview
i guess u cant click on this link so u can juz copy and paste it onto a new window^^ hoped it fine 4 u, PS: i need all u guyz permission first, juz 3 or 4 will do i guess, kahhoe, cherie, clairissa,yijia. cuz ur the only 1 who uses this page, plz reply to this asap, if u dont within 3 weeks, i'll change it^^ hehe kidding.


hey cherie, can eu tell mii how tuh get a chatterbox???? iie want 1!! is it www.chatterbox.com? cuz iie cant get it >< -setsuna(juz reply to miie message, dun need tuh noe who iie am)


my blog website is:
go to it if u lyk
and remember to post ur comments in the chat box

that's all!~


Monday, June 04, 2007

you all so good!!!i whole day stay at home u all still can go sentosa!!!!!!!!!

so good lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i so sian...-.-

anyway,how are u all's holidae coming along?fine?=.=

i bored until want to die liao la!!!!!!!!!!


Dun haf to say until very nice though lol... you should not exagerate... dun noe how to spell. Haha LOL!!! well then i gtg gb!!!

Ur friend:)


Saturday, June 02, 2007

yaya , little girl. i'm excited 'bout goin to sentosa too!!!!!!



How have your holidays been? Mine is starting out great! All the prefects in our class is going on a trip to Sentosa! (Including mi!) Well... It is not like a trip its more on the learning trip. They call it the 'Leadership training' Ha! Well i better be going! Bye

Your Friend:)