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this is US
4a` o6
A bunch of monkeys. xP
We just love to have fun.



February 2006 // March 2006 // April 2006 // May 2006 // June 2006 // July 2006 // August 2006 // September 2006 // October 2006 // November 2006 // December 2006 // January 2007 // February 2007 // March 2007 // April 2007 // May 2007 // June 2007 // July 2007 // August 2007 // September 2007 // November 2007 // December 2007 // January 2008 // February 2008 // March 2008 // June 2008 // July 2008 // August 2008 // September 2008 // October 2008 // November 2008 // January 2009 // February 2009 // July 2009 // September 2012 //
Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hello hello hello hello EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!really is LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time no see!!

i haven't post a blog 4 ages...so when Wesley change the user name,i didn't even noe!!!
so,how r everybody's studies coming along?Good?i die lor,my dad say if i dun get top 20 in the overalls,i will be DEAD MEAT!!!!

but still,i wish EVERYBODY a great vacation!!!!



Saturday, May 26, 2007
Sigh,now school holiday and i cannot see my friends for one month.....(although i like holidays)i am just not used to not going to schools nowadays....i miss RF,Andrew,Lester,Hykel,Guangyan,Charmaine,Shermaine and all my friend......I feel so weird not going to school nowadays.The got tat rehearsal thing that got us all so angry......!!!!!!!!!!!!!But anyway,i wish everyone in 5A a happy holiday!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kah Hoe


Friday, May 25, 2007
wenglaoshi, our class has been veerrryyy different without u.
sun laoshi has let us hear a chinese song---Dang ni gu dan ni hui xiang qi shei
i have this song... its nice. huaying, if u r reading tis, our school's 20th anniversary
is coming up. hope u can watch 5a perform. that is, if u r coming...
it is kinda stressful. especially if ur one of the lead singers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am one of the singers for ur info.Cherie is the other singer .
I notice that the dancers and singers are all
girls...YAY! girlz roxx!hahahahaha! -_-

Happy holidayz!


yo. I really really miss all of you!!! especially 5A pupils!!!
wenglaoshi, I really miss you sooooooooo much!!!


yo, long time never blog le, weng lao shi we miss u alot...u oso seldom blog le...

n abt hua ying...(sob) I missed him...shaz n i met hua ying on our way home from school, but he didn't say "hi"...lol, could he have forgotten abt some of us??? but weng lao shi, he 100% guarantee plus chop will not forget u de, u r such a gd teacher...hua ying seems like he had grown alot taller sia...mayb not used to seeing some1 as tall as him in 5A(rui feng is a bit shorter than him)

n hua ying, if u r reading, we will always luv u(dont get the wrong idea ar), go pursue ur dreams, dont ever let any1 or anything get in ur way, we'll always cheer u on! jia you, jia you!!!
**sometimes pls reply leh...if ur mom dont alow then nvm... n my "fruit basket" still wif u...-_-

***Shermaine a.k.a min min***


Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Hi ya! How are all of ur SA1? Me wanted Weng Lao Shi back 2! Wish tat next u can hav Weng Lao Shi as ur teacher. Bye!
~ Jan